Current Issues
Vol. 47 (in prep.)
Heft 1-2/2025: Anthropomorphism in Social Robotics and Beyond: Cognitive, Cultural, and Semiotic Perspectives
Heft 3-4/2025: Frames and Framing: Dynamic Nature and Material Cognitive Interplays
Vol. 46 (in prep.)
Heft 1-2/2024: Saintly Models
Heft 3-4/2024: Open-topic issue
Vol. 45
Heft 1-2/2023: Innovative Methods in Multimodal Comics Research
Heft 3-4/2023: Selbstoptimierung
Vol. 44
Heft 1-2/2022: Italian Semiotics I
Heft 3-4/2022: Italian Semiotics II
Vol. 43
Heft 1-2/2021: Mental Spaces
Heft 3-4/2021: Und in alle Ewigkeit … Kommunikation über 10000 Jahre
Vol. 42
Heft 1-2/2020: Schlagersemiotik. Beiträge der Passauer Mediensemiotik
Heft 3-4/2020: Soziale Medien
Vol. 41
Heft 1-2/2019: Semiotische Medientheorien
Heft 3-4/2019: Semiotik der Diaspora
Vol. 40
Heft 1-2/2018: Überwachung 2.0 - Zwischen Kontrolle und Komfort
Heft 3-4/2018: Themenoffenes Heft (mit Beiträgen u.a. zur Diagrammatik in der Musik, Embodiment in Alphabetzeichen, Fachkommunikation und anderen Themen)
Vol. 39
Heft 1-2/2017: Semiotik als Theorie der Digitalen Geisteswissenschaften
Heft 3-4/2017: Terror
Vol. 38
No. 1-2/2016: Zeichen im öffentlichen Raum
No. 3-4/2016: Openly themed volume
Vol. 37
No. 3-4/2015: Biosemiotic Ethics
No. 1-2/2015: Lachen als Zeichenprozess
Vol. 36
No. 3-4/2014: Kommunikation, Inferentialismus und Semiotik
No. 1-2/2014: Architektursemiotik
The Journal of Semiotics (Zeitschrift für Semiotik) has been in print since 1979. It is the voice of the German Society of Semiotics and is issued in cooperation with the Swiss Society for Semiotics (Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Semiotik). The
Zeitschrift für Semiotik offers the possibility of sharing research information via the publication and discussion of the results of semiotic investigations, regardless of the sub-discipline(s) of the researchers.
Submissions to the journal pass through a double-blind peer-review process by reviewers from external institutions. The Journal of Semiotics is listed in the European Reference Index for the Humanities with the status ERIH PLUS.
Editorial Board
- Ellen Fricke (Chemnitz) – Editor
- Martin Siefkes (Chemnitz) – Editor and Coordinator
Editorial Office
- Magdalena Müller
Mailing Address
Prof. Dr. Ellen Fricke und Dr. Martin Siefkes
Zeitschrift für Semiotik
Technische Universität Chemnitz, Philosophische Fakultät
Professur Germanistische Sprachwissenschaft, Semiotik und Multimodale Kommunikation
09107 Chemnitz
For the delivery of envelopes and packages of all sizes:
09111 Chemnitz
Visitor Address
Thüringer Weg 11
Raum 301
09126 Chemnitz
Telephone and E-Mail
You may reach us in the following way:
- Coordination of the Journal: Dr. Martin Siefkes
- Secretary to the Professor: Daniel Rennert (Telephone: +49 (0) 371-531-27220)
Online Access
One year after the publication in print, the online archives of the Journal of Semiotics offer papers of previous issues. All the texts are under Creative Commons license.
Please submit your article in anonymized form, and provide names, affiliations, and contact data of all authors on a separate cover page. Before submitting, please format your article according to our style sheet.
Members of the German Society of Semiotics (DGS e.V.) receive the journal without additional costs: its cost is included within the subscription price. As a new member, one receives the Journal of Semiotics automatically. A regular subscription can be ordered via Stauffenburg Publications. Individual issues can also be received from the publisher.